HeroClix Golden Age Sets
- 2099 Collectors Set
- Amazing Spider-Man
- Arkham Asylum
- Armor Wars
- Avengers
- Avengers Movie
- Batman
- Green Lantern Corps
- Dark Horse HeroClix B.P.R.D
- Hammer of Thor
- Batman Alpha
- Clobberin Time
- DC 75th Anniversary
- Crisis
- Chaos War
- Collateral Damage
- City of Heroes
- City of Villains
- Cosmic Justice
- Critical Mass
- Brave and the Bold
- Giant-Size X-Men
- Fantastic Forces
- DC Origins
- Green Lantern: Gravity Feed
- Giants
- Danger Room Starter
- Incredible Hulk
- Iron Man 3
- Secret Invasion
- Hypertime
- Mutations and Monsters
- Supernova
- Xplosion
- The Dark Knight Rises
- Indy Hero Clix
- Teen Titans
- Icons
- Sinister
- Web of Spider-Man
- Fear Itself
- Fast Forces: Batman
- DC Hero Clix 10th Anniversary
- Legacy
- Batman Gravity Feed
- Fast Forces: Blackest Night
- Streets of Gotham
- Galactic Guardians
- Ant-Man Boxed Set
- 2099
- Fast Forces: Green Lantern
- Fast Forces: Hammer of Thor
- Fast Forces: Incredible Hulk
- Fast Forces: Streets of Gotham
- Fast Forces: Teen Titans
- Fellowship of the Ring